Website v3.3 – All about the News

Website v3.3 _ theFRXST


A surprising amount of time has passed since I last dedicated time to updating aspects of my site.


Initially, I set out to only update the news/blog index as I kept envisioning what it could be. However, as things progressed, I found myself also updating single post pages and making numerous backend changes.


There is a significant visual change to the index, which is now completely different from the music/art indexes. I wanted to maintain a familiar and functional design.




As evident from the example above, there have been many minor tweaks beyond the obvious. Updated mobile menu, social icons and the footers are among these changes. For now, I’ve abandoned the idea of adding my own web store within my site; the amount of time it would require is impractical. So, the icons have been removed.


Single post page


I been coding/designing my own themes with WordPress for quite a while. While I tried to embrace Gutenberg, it seems after an update, my content would break. Things are no longer aligned, or colors are off, etc. On top of that, WordPress has been injecting huge style sheets even if they are not being used causing the website to be slower.


About 2-3 months ago, I came across a fork of WordPress called ClassicPress. It offers everything you know and love about WordPress but without the Gutenberg mess. There were rumblings of version 2.0 being worked on, bringing the core up to date with where WordPress is now. And well, while working on this design change, they released version 2.0. I’ve converted my site to ClassicPress. So far, the site does feel extremely snappy now.


In the near future I want to focus on creating content to add to the site. Live 12 is around the corner and want to finish a track here sooner than later. Once the track is done I will clean up the music index and post page for that.


Signing off.

// Posted 7 months ago by theFRXST